When you hear about stress, the first thing that comes to your mind is the feeling of anxiety and problems. Of course, not all people are li...
When you hear about stress, the first thing that comes to your mind is the feeling of anxiety and problems. Of course, not all people are likely to suffer from the discomforts of this disease; those who do, want to stay as far away as possible.
Despite that, what would you think if he told you that there is a type of stress that is beneficial? Yes, this type of stress is known as Eustress.
What is Eustress?
First, it is important to know that there are two types of stress: distress and eustress.
Distress is the type of stress that we all know; that negative feeling paralyzes you and makes you sick. It is the one that comes hand in hand with the problematic situations that complicate our lives.
Eustress is the opposite. It emerges as an adaptive response that helps those who experience it to face the problem that is challenging them. Do you know someone who likes to work under pressure and you are surprised how they perform better and better? Well, this person experiences eustress.
Benefits of Eustress
Considering that it helps you adapt to challenges, it can be said that it gives you psychological health. So the matter, eustress improves your performance in many areas of your life. Here are the benefits:
1 You react fast
How it generates quick reactions to the challenges of daily life. By being more alert, it leads you to be more productive in the work area in which you work.
2 Ability to solve problems
It makes you able to solve problems much faster. In this way, you stop seeing complicated situations as an abyss in which you are going to drown. You learn to welcome them as scales that lead you to overcome obstacles and manage to overcome them.
3 It charges you with energy
It makes you able to use your life energy on what is challenging you.
It's like a rechargeable battery that drives you to work. It's not that you don't get agitated, just that you know how to redirect it and don't waste your vitality on complaints, but on being productive.
4 Doesn't make you sick
Distress or bad stress leads you to get sick. What's more, you can develop ulcers and even irritable colon.
Eustress charges you with vitality and makes you act. Everything in this is positive because it drives you and brings out the best in you to work and strive.
5 It makes you more creative
Imagine that you like to work under pressure. Your whole mind gets to work and you quickly find a thousand ideas that will help you shape your projects.
6 Improve your emotional intelligence
It happens that you are not someone who does not feel overwhelmed by difficulties; this leads you to have more control of your emotions.
A person with distress does not know how to control his bad mood. Problems make him explode and take it out on those who are least to blame.
However, a person with eustress, not feeling pressured, knows how to control himself and manage his emotions better. This makes him very good at managing his emotional intelligence.
7 It leads you to be successful
Since you know how to take advantage of the pressure of problems in your favor, what you do is work tirelessly to achieve your goals. In addition, you are so clear about your projects and how to achieve them, that you know how to work for them and do not rest until you achieve them.
8 Makes you more positive
A person with eustress always sees the glass as half full, not half empty. That is, he has a very positive way of seeing the challenges of life. For him or her there are no problems, there are opportunities.
That positive attitude towards life opens unimaginable doors for him; furthermore, it makes you someone nice and kind, and of course successful.
How to promote eustress
Although at first, it seems difficult to turn distress around and turn it into eustress; The reality is that it can be done.
What you will read next may seem strange, but it is very serious. You cannot live in a state of zero stress. A person who lives in this kind of state is someone who has no motivation at all. His life has become so routine that he has no reason not even to leave home.
Having stress is healthy to have something that moves you. What you don't need is to be in a continuous state of anguish and agitation. That is why a fair mean must be achieved and this is eustress.
What you are looking for is to feel motivated to work. You want to achieve your goals and have a good performance in what you set out to do in life. You are going to achieve this by setting small short-term goals that in the end offer an attractive reward for you.
For example:
You are finishing your thesis to graduate. You still have two months to go until the final delivery. You know that if you have it ready before that time limit, you will be able to relax and focus more on other universities pending. You will even have time to be with your friends. Those details: being calmer and spending time with friends, are your reward. So, the logical thing is that you make an effort to finish your degree work soon and well.
It's simple, you change a context that can be a big problem, into something positive. In the end, what you achieve is to improve your performance and show yourself that you are capable of what you set out to do.
It's all about giving yourself a reward that encourages you to see the positive side of potential difficulty. It's a matter of changing perspective, stopping seeing the problem, and starting seeing the rewards.
As you can see, when you change the way you see problems, you begin to realize that there are more things that you are capable of achieving than those that prevent you from progressing.