We, men, know the situation all too well. Man(n) has vowed to improve his self-discipline. After a few weeks, you fall back into old pattern...
We, men, know the situation all too well. Man(n) has vowed to improve his self-discipline. After a few weeks, you fall back into old patterns and have failed. It all started so well. Today we're going to show you how to learn the discipline you so desperately want to build.
The problem behind self-discipline
By now you're already a pro at writing to-do lists and you decorate your established schedules with motley color accents. Stop it! Do yourself a favor and drop these games. Just because you think you can use these methods to increase your discipline doesn't mean you actually do it.
As soon as the first ambitious goal is not achieved, you fall into a spiral of self-doubt. Training is neglected and deadlines are not met. Many say to themselves: “Now I have already left out one point, then it no longer makes sense to tackle the other points. I'll really get going tomorrow!".
In most cases, however, this is nothing more than silly gossip. None of these methods have actually proven themselves. You're back where you started. You start planning again. After all, the next time it should work better and the cycle begins again.
Is there a way to make actual changes? Establish habits that are long-term and help you to achieve your goals concretely? We want to help you and give you some concepts and strategies to build up your self-discipline in the long term.
Set yourself a specific goal
What exactly do you want to achieve? If you want to learn discipline, it's incredibly important to know why you want to go down this path in the first place. There are many areas in which you can improve with increased discipline. But you probably won't be able to reach everyone. You have to decide on specific points.
Try to list your priorities. This gives you an order of preference and you know exactly which goal you want to tackle first. It's always better to write down your priorities in a quiet minute than to scribble down your to-do list every morning. If you know the direction, you can build a strong mantra and keep the right focus.
do not let yourself get distracted
Admittedly, this strategy only superficially solves your problem. Learning discipline requires profound development. However, it can be a useful first aid to get rid of anything that might be preventing you from reaching your goal.
Do you want to quit smoking? Throw away the cigarettes and best of all the lighters. Want to cut out the junk food? Bring it to your colleague, who always has an empty fridge anyway. True to the motto: "Out of sight, out of mind." this strategy will help you achieve your goals.
You're probably wondering if this step is actually necessary. After all, confidence is always good. However, until today you have not managed to muster the necessary discipline to achieve your goal. Therefore, you should not trust yourself in this case.
Constantly work on your discipline
After taking a step forward, it can happen that you quickly take two steps back. Learning discipline is like muscle training. In the beginning, the motivation is still extremely high. If you used up your batteries in the first few days, you'll grind to a halt in the days that follow. It is better to go to your goals at a constant speed.
Daily repetition is critical to learning discipline. An activity must become a habit. You should focus on your goal every day. This is the only way to expand your comfort zone in the long term. What is your maximum today is your minimum tomorrow. In this way, you will reach your goal step by step, without the risk of relapsing.
Do not value the opinions of others
Many plans fail because of their own environment or are not even tackled. If you wait for the approval of others, you are doing yourself a disservice. Building self-discipline means you seek approval and approval within yourself.
Many people worry about what other people might think of them. If you fail, friends and family might say they knew you wouldn't make it from the start. However, you have to take this risk. Once you drop the need for justification, you will be free to work on what is truly important to you.
Go step by step
If you want to learn discipline, you should divide your goal into small steps. This can help take away the pressure and fear of failure. Once you've taken the first step, chances are you'll take the second and third.
Learning discipline also means learning methods. Tell yourself that you only have to do one small thing to achieve your goal. This technique is very effective because sometimes the initial push is the hardest part. Don't worry if your step seems small to others. The step must be so small that you cannot say no to it.
Your willpower is limited
A limitation that is difficult to accept. You have only a limited capacity of willpower. Studies show that willpower diminishes over time. So you shouldn't waste your willpower pointlessly. Despite a high degree of discipline, it can happen that you slump and miss your goals.
The central point is the right timing. Not only important in relation to women, but also in personal development. If you plan to run a lap around the block every day, start preparing your workout clothes first thing in the morning. Otherwise, the temptation to skip the workout and throw yourself on the couch is too great. Especially after a long day at work. It is therefore important to tackle the tasks as early as possible.
Find a mentor
Whether or not you actually organize a coach depends on who you are and what your goals are. Coaches are experts and can give you honest feedback quickly. You can also learn discipline from people in your everyday life.
Everyone has that one person around them. A person who seems to succeed in everything and no task is too big. In principle, you should try to adapt the habits of such people and, at best, seek their closeness. Motivating people do not only exist in your circle of acquaintances. There are numerous platforms where you can connect with like-minded people, at best to get a tip or two.
Have a plan B just in case
If it should actually happen that you broke in and your discipline was not sufficient, you should always have a contingency plan ready to cushion your fall. If you want to learn discipline, setbacks are part of it. It's important to avoid a total crash. This can be achieved with suitable strategies.
You need to find out what caused your setback. At these points, make yourself aware again why you originally wanted to learn discipline and what goals you want to achieve with it.
don't cheat yourself
There will probably come a moment when you decide to screw yourself. Cheating on yourself is particularly dangerous because you often don't admit defeat. For example, if you've made a commitment to quit smoking, there will come a point when you'll smoke half a cigarette anyway. It's only a half. Does this self-deception mean that you don't have self-discipline? No. But you should reconsider your current strategy.
Maybe you don't have the energy to do another run late in the evening. Or you're just bored. You could then try to change your running route or find a running partner. It is important that you are honest with yourself. When it comes to personal progress, it's often difficult to be honest with yourself. But that's exactly the chance to make real progress. This really helps you if you want to learn discipline.
Don't expect miracles
You want to learn discipline and are highly motivated. It's good. But don't expect to be reborn as a new person. It usually takes 21 days to start seeing real results in a habit. The brain needs to transform. To gain masterful self-discipline, you need continuous challenges. Best for a lifetime.
Even if you only notice minor changes in yourself at first, this can set off a chain reaction over time. You will feel stronger, more confident, and manly. Discipline building is not about discarding your old life. It's all about having the determination to persevere and improve over the long term.